

We help our clients with our diverse experiences and knowledge to provide seamless service through the entire spectrum of challenges pertaining to Tax Planning and Compliance needs.

Tax Compliance

Our compliance services commence from opening of tax files with Inland Revenue Department till closure of any business organization by way of discontinue of business operation or liquidation.

Our Tax Compliance Services cover Corporate income taxes and Indirect taxes.

Documentation; preparation and review of tax returns.

Managing client’s relationships with tax authorities effectively.

Tax advisory & litigation services

Advice on Tax planning strategies based on technical, practical and industry knowledge.

Represent clients in negotiation and litigation in tax issues

Meet our Team

Laknath Peiris
Managing Partner Practice Areas: White Collar Crimes
Transaction Advisory
Foreign Investments

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Sunil De Silva
Partner Practice Areas: Customs & Shipping

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Dinushka Medagoda
Partner Practice Areas: White Collar Crimes
Intellectual Property

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Principal Tax Practice Areas: Taxation
Company Secretarial Services

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We build from the ground up.

Starting with a good foundation helps
PLC Law Chambers get you where you need to go