Commercial Frauds and Financial Crimes

Know Your Rights

If you are being investigated for a Corporate Fraud, Financial Crime or have been arrested, it is not a pleasant experience.

The time prior to arrest, at the Police or immediately afterwards is crucial for any defendant if they wish to protect their legal rights.

At PLC Law Chambers we always feel it is in the best interests of any suspect to have a lawyer present at the earliest available opportunity. In fact, having a lawyer prior to an arrest can prevent a suspect from self-incrimination, which happens more often than you might think.

Criminal Defense

At PLC Law Chambers, we are sympathetic to your situation and understand that criminal investigations can be prolonged and extremely complex.

We acting on your behalf will protect your rights in the early stages of a criminal investigation but also throughout the entire criminal process.

We will assure you that you will be advised on your case by specialist Corporate Fraud or Financial Crime counsel from start to finish.

We can protect your rights through trial by confronting witnesses through cross examination; we can present a strong defense; we can compel the production of evidence; and we will ensure that your right to a fair trial is fully protected. Every possible angle will be investigated on your behalf – truly no stone left unturned.

Criminal Interview Adversary

It is not uncommon for an entirely innocent defendant who failed to obtain legal representation prior to police questioning to make a false confession.

False confessions are an unfortunate event, but they can and do happen under the pressure of a criminal interview. More commonly, inaccurate answers are given in haste and out of panic which later turn out to have been wrong. It is very difficult to rectify these sorts of mistakes after the event.

When an individual is asked or forced by arrest to attend for a criminal interview, generally in a police station, it is absolutely vital that they retain legal advice, that way, the client is protected against self-incrimination of any kind.

There are many choices to be made and many strategic options for dealing with interviews under caution (answering questions, providing a written statement, disclosing defense evidence, requesting pre-interview disclosure) and none should be considered without the assistance of a legal expert.

If you are a suspect in a criminal investigation, the single most effective thing you can do is instruct PLC Law Chambers as specialist white Collar Crime defense lawyers to attend on you and protect your rights at the earliest opportunity. We will assure you that you understand fully the allegations against you and what sensible next steps should be taken to bring about a reasonable resolution to your matter.

Bail Applications

At PLC Law Chambers we recognize that bail conditions can have a huge impact on clients and can be distressing to those whom have never been subjected to bail conditions before.

For example, restrictions on travel, surrendering passports and the inability to continue to function properly in your business and personal life.

Preparing for a bail application or variation requires full and forensic preparation when making an application to the court.

Bail, in our opinion, has to be conducted right the first time, so every salient item of evidence to support your application must be secured and vetted by a specialist attorney from our firm before submission on the court and prosecution.

Meet our Team

Laknath Peiris
Managing Partner Practice Areas: White Collar Crimes
Transaction Advisory
Foreign Investments

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Sunil De Silva
Partner Practice Areas: Customs & Shipping

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Dinushka Medagoda
Partner Practice Areas: White Collar Crimes
Intellectual Property

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Principal Tax Practice Areas: Taxation
Company Secretarial Services

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